
Greetings. I’m giving an update on the donations received for Golden Age Home Kingston, Jamaica.

Donations have been coming. So far to date I have food donations: oatmeal, pancake mix, powdered milk and an unknown person (lady) gave a can of peaches and asked me to give it to the children. She also prayed a prayer for me, so I will be taking that as well. Condensed (sweet milk) is needed. I want to take only the food products mentioned above for I will be participating in breakfast preparation only.

The medical supplies are coming in, and my greatest need is wheelchairs, adult large and children’s large diapers. I have received only 2 bags of adult diapers. I have also received bed pads, 10 packages. I have only two wheelchairs received, one large and one small chair. I have also received 19 walkers, a big THANK YOU! I have four crutches. I have two portable potty’s and a portable sink for head washing.

As I told you in the last blog, I’m only one person, and one person can make a difference, and a village can make a change. I’ll be going to Golden Age Home in July 2011. I am unable to disclose an exact date at this time, but there is enough time for you to keep your donations coming. As you can see, they are desperately needed to make this mission possible. I beg all of you to please donate. God took two loaves of bread and fish and he fed five thousand people, most of you know the story. I know with the help of all of you, we can break through the walls of heaven, and Jesus will send an out pouring of blessings. He has already. Just believe and it will happen.

Look, you see the picture of that truck? It belongs to myself and Danny. This is what I want to do, I want to fill this small truck up with all the supplies I can, then that truck will head into Florida where the supplies will be shipped overseas into Kingston, Jamaica and then we will have the supplies sent over to Golden Age Home for the people. I personally myself along with my husband Danny will be there to receive the goods. I believe that day we are going to see the lame get up and walk with the help of God’s son. And where we will see some with the look of hope that, some help has arrived. Cash donations are desperately needed as for a lot of the supplies will have to be purchased in Jamaica because of Custom Laws and it will be just more economical to do so. Those of you that live in the Wisconsin and Illinois area, we can have items picked up from your locations, and those of you that are out of district, I’m begging you again, please send your donation now by e-mailing me and letting me know that you want to help by sending it through u.s. postal mail or you can just click the link below and send it to the wepay account. $1.00, $5.00, or $25.00 anything that the Lord put in your heart to send, a million dollars. Weather it’s a one time donation or a life time donation, it WILL benefit Golden Age Home Kingston, Jamaica.

This will not be a one time mission for me. I will continue to be the part of God’s staff to make sure his work gets done.  I have adopted Golden Age Home to be a part of my family. Please don’t let the thought of corruption get in the way of your giving, I know that’s a lot of whats going on today. I have nothing to benefit from this mission besides knowing that this is what I was told to do, I was convicted to do so in my heart, a big voice in my head said, “You go,” I said, “Awww S_ _ _”! So, I’m in, I’m going. Not to sit down and just sing inspirational songs, but to give my services, to use whatever I have, my hands, my feet, I’m going to work, to do God’s work through the help of Jesus. It takes his small staff to get his work done most of the time.  I have nothing to gain, but an extended family that I pledge to oversee.  This is not my mission, but God’s mission. This has to be done.

If you can find a way to give up some of your time to go on this mission, e-mail me, call me. But please, “Donate“.  Time is running.


Gwen Moore


The Golden Age Home in Kingston, Jamaica is in a state of emergency.  I am in need of donations for wheelchairs, and other medical/daily supplies, ie gloves, clothing, and cleaning supplies.  Golden Age Home has about 400 residents which includes seniors and the physically challenged.

I have been invited by the staff of Golden Age Home to come in with any and all supplies needed to help reform the Golden Age Home.  Your help is desperately needed to make this mission possible.  I commission you, please keep your donations coming.  There is a link at the bottom of the page.

It’s the golden ages and the physically challenged that counts.  One person can make a difference, a village can make a change.

To all the Staff at Golden Age Home, “We heard you cry out, and we cried too, God told us to go, now we come to you”.  Help is on the way!

To the residents of Wisconsin, “You have come through for me once again, keep the medical supplies and donations coming”.  I will be posting pics to  this blog within a few days of some equipment already received.  Being Blessed!

To all Jamaican’s living here abroad, “Step Up”!  I go, you follow. “Sey you can’t go, then mek a donation now.  I am one person.  I am an American.   I will make a difference while at Golden Age Home.  I need all of your help to make a change.  Also, I’m in care of all donations, not Golden Age Home.  I will show & give progress reports daily.

  I petition you, “Please Help Me, Help Our People”…  The Land We Love.

Info at jamaica-gleaner.com.

Gwen Moore
